Collaborative Law

Garden City Family Attorney
Collaborative law is a process that helps couples that have decided to separate or end their marriage and work with their family attorneys in New York to achieve a settlement that meets both parties. With this process, it allows the couple to find a solution that works for them and any children involved without the threat of litigation and avoids the uncertain outcome of a court decision. These situations can be difficult to handle on your own; having our Garden City family attorneys by your side can help guide you through this process and determine what is your next step.
A contract or participation agreement begins this process and binds both parties to this process and agreements made. Both parties retain their family attorneys in New York to help come to a fair agreement and solution. With such an important situation, it’s important to get your collaborative efforts started to find a solution quickly and easily. With both parties having their own attorney, they can be full advocates for each party, ensuring that everyone receives a fair agreement.
When you use collaborative law, it is an on-going process, rather than a one-day event like mediation. There are different types of collaboration available, of which an attorney can help you determine what is the best route for you and your situation.
Collaborative law is specifically designed to help you have a healthy, amicable, and respectable legal process. At Fass and Greenberg, we are prepared to help you and those involved in your situation find a fair and reasonable agreement that all the parties will accept. Having an attorney by your side can help you to relieve extra stress you are feeling and allows you to focus on other important aspects of your life. Contact our Garden City family attorney today to discuss your case and determine the best option for you and your situation.