
Family Lawyer Garden City NY
Family law agreements, such as pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements, are considered complex and difficult to navigate on your own. Having trusted and local family lawyer in Garden City, NY by your side can help guide you through these agreements and ensure that you have the most successful case possible.
Pre-nuptial agreements are signed before the couple is married. Most couples use these agreements to protect any valuable assets they will want to keep if the marriage ends in an untimely divorce. Most agreements are drawn up by experienced family law attorneys to ensure all the paperwork is filed correctly and deadlines are met with ease.
Post-nuptial agreements are signed after the couple has been married. It is harder to have such agreements held up in court during divorce proceedings; it can be found that such agreements can be signed after certain events may have occurred, or one spouse may be trying to deprive the other of benefits. Most post-nuptial agreements are put under scrutiny and not accepted at all in some courts. An experienced attorney can help you go through the agreement and determine what is the best step to take.
Separation agreements are also matters you will want handled by a professional litigator. Our experienced New York family law attorneys are here to help you through this process, ensuring that all the paperwork and any deadlines are met, as well as help you determine the next best step you can take.
Most of these agreements can be settled outside of a courtroom. If your case does end up in court, you’ll want the guidance of an attorney from Fass and Greenberg to ensure you have the most successful case possible. We understand how difficult these cases can be, and we are here to help you find a fair agreement that is accepted by all the parties involved. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation and discuss your available options.