Creating a Visitation Schedule

Creating a Visitation Schedule

visitation schedule

When parents physically separate, they will need to create a visitation schedule with their child’s other parent. These schedules vary greatly, and should not be taken lightly. Just because a couple is on friendly terms at the time of their separation does not mean it will remain so; particularly if one of them establishes another relationship. Jealousy, rivalry, and work schedules may render a loose arrangement ineffective.

Try to be as reasonable as possible when creating a schedule. Sit down with the other parent and an attorney so that you can focus on the schedule of your child as well as the work schedules of both parents. Sometimes, a parent with greater financial resources may want to negotiate more time with the children so as to avoid paying a greater amount of child support.  Parents should be aware and resist a parent who places their needs above the child. Also, parents should avoid the “split the baby in two” to avoid litigation, because they will end up in court ultimately if the schedule is not viable.

Holidays can sometimes become difficult when you’re sharing custody with another parent. The office of Fass & Greenberg, family lawyers in New York, can help you develop a holiday schedule that is fair and that often means alternating schedules with the other parent each year. You should consider your child’s holiday schedule at school and the days you are able to get off work for each holiday as your child could stay with the other parent while you’re working instead of trying to find a sitter. There are also provisions such as “right of first refusal” that can be inserted into agreements which are designed to prevent a parent from being able to claim time with the children when they are in fact unavailable to be with the child due to work or other obligations.  Our family attorneys in New York can work with you to develop a schedule that suits both parents so that each person can fit events in during the year with your child.

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